“ The meaning of life is just to be alive. It is so plain and so obvious and so simple. And yet, everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.”

- Alan Watts

What I offer is a reading of only what is important in your chart and how to enter into your experiment.
When I first met Human Design I had 3 professional readings and none of them brought me to my experiment. When I met Mary Ann Winiger she asked me one question and I finally understood my design and my experiment.
That’s what I offer , I use the time we have together to help you understand what it means to live your type.
Beyond the initial reading you may want to understand more or need additional insights and direction to your experiment and that is also offered here in a coaching session.

Would you like to book a reading or coaching session ?

Once you made the payment contact me to with your details and available dates for the meeting.

Make sure to include birth day, location and as much as possible time.

Generators and manifesting generators with sacral authority need yes/ no questions. Often people are completely alone in their experiment and need someone to ask them yes/no questions and others just need to understand more about what it means to ask or be asked yes/no questions. This I offer here.
Do you sometimes need yes/no questions?

Would it be ok to schedule a sacral session ?

Once you made the payment contact me to with your details and available dates for the meeting.

Make sure to include birth day, location and as much as possible time.

WhatsApp strategy & authority support You can access me through WhatsApp to help you in your experiment.
This also provides a consistent understanding of how to communicate and meet the other according to strategy & authority.
If what is being addressed is in need of more than what can be addressed through WhatsApp texting then I would recommend a more in depth call.

Does this type of support interest you ? 

Once you made the payment contact me to with your details and available dates for the meeting.

Make sure to include birth day, location and as much as possible time.