
Words from Mary Ann Winiger
Hunt & Me
"I first met Hunt at the Sedona Rave in September of 2013. I had just moved back to Sedona and responded to renting a space for live workshops. It was a beautiful space and I loved how the energy of living the experiment began to accumulate in it. I had organized the Sedona Rave to give people a taste of the four different types over 5 days. The facilitators were Alokanand Diaz (Manifestor), John Martin and Randy Richmond (Projectors), Dharmen Swann-Herbert (Reflector) and Leela Swann-Herbert and Theresa Blanding (Emotional G/MG’s) and me (Generator with sacral authority). We began the first morning with all of us at the front of the room and participants could ask questions. What I loved was when one participant said how refreshing it was to hear each of us express our unique truth and how we didn’t have the usual party-line that one would find in “groups”. It was during this panel that I first met Hunt. He said something about being a 3/5. I asked him if he was a Generator. And that’s how it all began. Right after the Sedona Rave, I offered an Immersion and Hunt came. I remember him sitting in the circle and how full of questions his mind was. And how much he wanted to share. For me, in the Immersions – the first day is usually a day I experience the film of the “mind” – something that covers the group. It’s like an invisible wall. Everyone has it. It’s our whole conditioning that shows up. Hunt had it as well. Yet, he got immediately what it meant to have sacral sounds be his inner authority. When I asked him a yes/no question – his sounds came out. This does not always happen. And I know that no one can “make” their sounds come out. It either happens or not. And there truly is no choice. When I first started offering Immersions, I thought people would come to one and that would be it. Hunt shocked me. He kept signing up for every Immersion I gave. And this was beautiful for me because I could watch his transformation. With sacral authority – this can happen right away. But there are still the conditioned patterns of behavior that need the 7 years to fall away. I was able to watch this happen for Hunt. He always asked me yes/no questions. And one of them was “Can I share?” I think it was this one that I noticed took the longest to fall away. But it did and that was such a wonderful experience for me … to feel Hunt just resting in himself and totally ok to not say anything. This was when I felt a true transformation had happened. Since 2013, Hunt has been to every Immersion I offered except for one. He traveled to Portugal, Sweden, Austria, Israel, Sedona, Asheville, Las Vegas and to Ibiza a number of times. I loved having him in the Immersions. As the facilitator of the Immersion, I would say things about my truth – and Hunt would jump in and ask “Is that true, Mary Ann?” And I could respond. And if I was at a loss within the room – and I needed some questions for clarity for myself – I could always ask Hunt to ask me some questions. He was a great support for me. The last years, as my body got more tired, I would ask Hunt to lead the “games or exercises” for the group. I could just rest and observe. I also asked him if he would take those with sacral authority to another space and help them get into their sounds. I could trust him. And that was important for me. So I am very happy to know that the Immersion work can continue with Hunt and a few others who I trust. The Immersion work is something precious to me. It is a space where rather than learning Human Design, a person can begin to experience alive and in the body. I feel that those who have been with me – can carry this kind of work into the future. And for this I am grateful. It is a beautiful experience for me to have been able to watch the transformation that Hunt went through over all these years. And it’s not something that stops at 7 years. That’s when the “baby” is born. It continues until we die. And even these years after Hunt completed the first 7 years, I have observed the refinement of his own process and the integrity of his own true self. Over the years, we would always meet for lunch or dinner during an Immersion and I could see deeply the shifting that was continually unfolding for him personally. I feel we are all so lucky to have this incredible tools of Strategy & Authority to help move and guide us in our journey in life. I have watched the transformation of many and I have seen how the simple works – and it is truly profound. “ -Mary Ann Winiger-

Words from Helene Hartmann
´”The Immersion with Hunt and Emily was a very special experience for me. There were three days being with my fractal lines and immersing into the basics of strategy and authority. We shared a lot and there were words spoken. But the most profound result was the information underneath the words, going through my cells. Hunt is, like me, a student of Mary Ann Winiger. In my perspective he is the master student of Mary Ann. I could sense his frequency, which is really pure, after all this years of deconditioning. This frequency is probably the most important gift he offers in his Immersions. And in several moments I could feel the truth of his message as a fifth line, proofed by his own experiences as a third line. He does the Immersion-work with so much passion. Im grateful to be part of this Immersiongroup in Sofia” -Helene Hartmann-